





NUST NET Vocabulary 2014

Here is the vocabulary of NUST ENTRANCE TEST 2014.This list is collected from our students who had given NET series in 2014 and this will help you a lot in your NET.

No. Word Meaning
1 Enigma Mystery,puzzle
2 Flippant rude,superficial
3 Exacerbate Infuriate,make worse
4 Abhor detest,hate
5 Censure severe criticism,blame
6 Prodigal excessive,immoderate
7 Magnanimous Beneficent
8 Nuzzle Burrow,Nestle,Nudge
9. Benign amiable,beneficent
10. August dignified,noble
11. Sumptuous Luxurious,splendid
12. Capacious abundant,comfortable
13. Tranquillity peace,quiet,stillness
14. Fleece plunder,steal
15. Blemish flaw,beauty spot
16. Fulminate criticize harshly,denounce
17. Analogous akin,alike,comparable
18. Sluggish dull,slow-moving
19. Apportion divide into shares
20. Vivacious lively,spirited
21. Dowdy old fashioned,antiquated
22. Gregariouss friendly,affable,clubby
23. Venial pardonable,allowable
24. Amiable friendly,agreeable
25. Arrogate claim without hustification
26. Stingy close-fisted,costive,thrify
27. Calm peaceful,quiet
28. Aggregate accumulated
29. Apprise advise,brief
30. Elicit draw out,evoke,evolve
31. Obesity chubbiness,overweight
32. Acrid bitter,sour to taste
33 Beckon Call
34. Improvise make up,fake,slapdash
35. Engross hold one's attention,attract
36. Pauper person who is poor,beggar
37. Appalled alarm,astound
38. Intrepid brave,nervy,bold
39. Throttle silence,smother
40. Capacious Abundant,broad
41. Prodigality absurdity,amenity
42. Brunt burden,pressure
43. Ascribable detectable
44. Knave racal,swindler,villain
45. Effusive gushing,enthusiastic
46. Artful skilful,cunning,adept
47. Spontaneous impulsive,willing
48. Venial Pardonable,explainable
49. Audacious reckless,daring
50. Adulterate pollute,cheapen
51. Subdue Keep under control
52. Perturbed troubled

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