





7th Selection Merit List NUST

"SOME UPDATES ARE UPDATED TOO" Finally By the Feedback Of You People , we did a survey to find out the (EXPECTED) closing Merit Position's of 7th Merit List ..but you will get in this post 6th merit list in comparison format which is better even.This time merit is too low because majority of the student didn't pay the fee .
7th list and also comparison between 6th and 7th list
Sr# Department 6th 7th
1 Mechanical Engineering(SMME) 345 wait
2 Mechanical Engineering(EME) 629 wait
3 Electrical Engineering (EME) 876 wait
4 Electrical Engineering (SEECS) 706 wait
5 Computer Science ( SEECS) 3172 wait
6 Computer Engineering (EME) 2812 wait
7 Software Engineering (SEECS) 1580 wait
8 Software Engineering (MCS) 2089 wait
9 Civil Engineering (SCEE) 1393 wait
10 Civil Engineering (MCE) 1822 wait
11 Chemical Engineering (SCME) 1400 wait
12 Material Engineering (SCME) 2778 2908
13 Aerospace Engineering (CAE) 976 978
14 Avionivs Engineering (CAE) 1567 wait
15 Mechatronics Engineering (EME) 1421 wait
16 Electrical Engineering (Karachi) 3035 wait
17 Mechanical Engineering (Winter Session) (Karachi) 2706 wait
18 Environmental Engineering (SCEE) 3898 4007
19 GeoInformatic Engineering (SCEE) 3843 wait
20 Electrical(Telecom) MCS 2519 wait
20 Industrial and manufacturing (PNEC) 4004 4100
21 Mechanical Engineering (PNEC) 1733 1733
Nust Business School
1 Department 6th 7th
2 BS Accounting and Finance 696 wait
3 BS Economics(Islamabad) 990 wait
4 BS Mass Communication 991 wait
5 BBA 568 wait
6 Public administration 972 1020
Closing Merit Position of Bachelor of Architecture/Industrial Design
1 BS Architecture(Islamabad) 78 78
2 BS Industrial Design(Islamabad) 190 215
Closing Merit Position of BS Mathematics and BS Physics
1 BS Mathematics(Islamabad) 1291 wait
2 BS Physics(Islamabad) 959 wait
These are the EXPECTED merit positions as you people helped us in doing a survey..If anyone feels that it would need a bit amendment , he can comment below but with a Valid roll number for a proof ! It would be a great Relief for All of you .. Now You can Expect that in Which List you would be Selected .. Stay Tuned For More ..
Good Luck to Every One ..Like our page
Regards : Admin Panel

Closing merits of major departments in 5th Selection list of NUST

"SOME UPDATES ARE UPDATED TOO" Finally By the Feedback Of You People , we did a survey to find out the (EXPECTED) closing Merit Position's of 5th Merit List ..but you will get in this post 5th merit list in comparison format which is better even.This time merit is too low because majority of the student didn't pay the fee .
5th list and also comparison between 4th and 5th list
Sr# Department 4th 5th
1 Mechanical Engineering(SMME) 345 345
2 Mechanical Engineering(EME) 617 617
3 Electrical Engineering (EME) 860 860
4 Electrical Engineering (SEECS) 696 696
5 Computer Science ( SEECS) 2905 wait
6 Computer Engineering (EME) 2664 2700
7 Software Engineering (SEECS) 1549 wait
8 Software Engineering (MCS) 1936 wait
9 Civil Engineering (SCEE) 1279 wait
10 Civil Engineering (MCE) 1719 1719
11 Chemical Engineering (SCME) 1317 wait
12 Material Engineering (SCME) 2657 wait
13 Aerospace Engineering (CAE) 976 wait
14 Avionivs Engineering (CAE) 1322 wait
15 Mechatronics Engineering (EME) 1318 wait
16 Electrical Engineering (Karachi) 2863 2945
17 Mechanical Engineering (Winter Session) (Karachi) 2686 wait
18 Environmental Engineering (SCEE) 3410 wait
19 GeoInformatic Engineering (SCEE) 3515 wait
20 Electrical(Telecom) MCS 2384 wait
20 Industrial and manufacturing (PNEC) 3587 wait
21 Mechanical Engineering (PNEC) 1733 wait
Nust Business School
1 Department 4th 5th
2 BS Accounting and Finance wait wait
3 BS Economics(Islamabad) 822 wait
4 BS Mass Communication wait wait
5 BBA 539 wait
6 Public administration 897 wait
Closing Merit Position of Bachelor of Architecture/Industrial Design
1 BS Architecture(Islamabad) 78 78
2 BS Industrial Design(Islamabad) 162 190
Closing Merit Position of BS Mathematics and BS Physics
1 BS Mathematics(Islamabad) 1012 wait
2 BS Physics(Islamabad) 956 wait
These are the EXPECTED merit positions as you people helped us in doing a survey..If anyone feels that it would need a bit amendment , he can comment below but with a Valid roll number for a proof ! It would be a great Relief for All of you .. Now You can Expect that in Which List you would be Selected .. Stay Tuned For More ..
Good Luck to Every One ..Like our page
Regards : Admin Panel
  1. Mechanical Engineering SMME-- 347
  2. Mechanical Engineering EME-- 617
  3. Electrical Engineering EME-- 860
  4. Electrical Engineering SEECS-- 696
  5. Computer Engineering EME-- 2700

NUST 4th Selection List 2014 Closing Merit List

"SOME UPDATES ARE UPDATED TOO" Finally By the Feedback Of You People , we did a survey to find out the (EXPECTED) closing Merit Position's of 4thd Merit List ..but you will get in this post 4th merit list in comparison format which is better even.This time merit is too low because majority of the student didn't pay the fee .
4th list and also comparison between 3rd and 4th list
Sr# Department 3rd 4th
1 Mechanical Engineering(SMME) 345 345
2 Mechanical Engineering(EME) 613 617
3 Electrical Engineering (EME) 849 860
4 Electrical Engineering (SEECS) 668 696
5 Computer Science ( SEECS) 2717 2905
6 Computer Engineering (EME) 2564 2664
7 Software Engineering (SEECS) 1549 1549
8 Software Engineering (MCS) 1936 1936
9 Civil Engineering (SCEE) 1277 1279
10 Civil Engineering (MCE) 1718 1719
11 Chemical Engineering (SCME) 1301 1317
12 Material Engineering (SCME) 2413 2657
13 Aerospace Engineering (CAE) wait 974
14 Avionivs Engineering (CAE) wait 1322
15 Mechatronics Engineering (EME) wait 1318
16 Electrical Engineering (Karachi) 2706 2863
17 Mechanical Engineering (Winter Session) (Karachi) 2573 2686
18 Environmental Engineering (SCEE) 3105 3410
19 GeoInformatic Engineering (SCEE) wait 3515
20 Electrical(Telecom) MCS 2235 2384
20 Industrial and manufacturing (PNEC) 3309 3587
21 Mechanical Engineering (PNEC) wait 1733
Nust Business School
1 Department 3rd 4th
2 BS Accounting and Finance wait wait
3 BS Economics(Islamabad) 644 822
4 BS Mass Communication 819 wait
5 BBA 539 wait
6 Public administration 805 897
Closing Merit Position of Bachelor of Architecture/Industrial Design
1 BS Architecture(Islamabad) 68 78
2 BS Industrial Design(Islamabad) 144 162
Closing Merit Position of BS Mathematics and BS Physics
1 BS Mathematics(Islamabad) 427 1012
2 BS Physics(Islamabad) 556 956
These are the EXPECTED merit positions as you people helped us in doing a survey..If anyone feels that it would need a bit amendment , he can comment below but with a Valid roll number for a proof ! It would be a great Relief for All of you .. Now You can Expect that in Which List you would be Selected .. Stay Tuned For More ..
Good Luck to Every One ..Like our page
Regards : Admin Panel

3rd Closing Merit List (in comparison format)

"SOME UPDATES ARE UPDATED TOO" Finally By the Feedback Of You People , we did a survey to find out the (EXPECTED) closing Merit Position's of 2nd Merit List ..but you will get in this post 3rd merit list in comparison format which is better even.This time merit is too low because majority of the student didn't pay the fee .
3rd list and also comparison between 2nd and 3rd list
Sr# Department 2nd 3rd
1 Mechanical Engineering(SMME) 345 345
2 Mechanical Engineering(EME) 613 wait
3 Electrical Engineering (EME) 837 849
4 Electrical Engineering (SEECS) 668 wait
5 Computer Science ( SEECS) 2473 2717
6 Computer Engineering (EME) 2127 2564
7 Software Engineering (SEECS) 1544 1549
8 Software Engineering (MCS) 1856 1936
9 Civil Engineering (SCEE) 1277 1277
10 Civil Engineering (MCE) 1621 1718
11 Chemical Engineering (SCME) 1301 wait
12 Material Engineering (SCME) 1748 2413
13 Aerospace Engineering (CAE) 974 wait
14 Avionivs Engineering (CAE) 986 wait
15 Mechatronics Engineering (EME) 1276 wait
16 Electrical Engineering (Karachi) 2212 2706
17 Mechanical Engineering (Winter Session) (Karachi) 2143 2573
18 Environmental Engineering (SCEE) 2826 3105
19 GeoInformatic Engineering (SCEE) 2957 wait
20 Electrical(Telecom) MCS 1907 2235
20 Industrial and manufacturing (PNEC) 2918 3309
21 Mechanical Engineering (PNEC) 1648 wait
Nust Business School
1 Department 2nd 3rd
2 BS Accounting and Finance 528 wait
3 BS Economics(Islamabad) 539 644
4 BS Mass Communication 602 819
5 BBA 527 539
6 Public administration 545 805
Closing Merit Position of Bachelor of Architecture/Industrial Design
1 BS Architecture(Islamabad) 64 68
2 BS Industrial Design(Islamabad) 125 144
Closing Merit Position of BS Mathematics and BS Physics
1 BS Mathematics(Islamabad) 206 427
2 BS Physics(Islamabad) 175 556
These are the EXPECTED merit positions as you people helped us in doing a survey..If anyone feels that it would need a bit amendment , he can comment below but with a Valid roll number for a proof ! It would be a great Relief for All of you .. Now You can Expect that in Which List you would be Selected .. Stay Tuned For More ..
Good Luck to Every One ..Like our page
Regards : Admin Panel
